Resources | 256


Written by 256 | Aug 21, 2020 11:00:00 PM

MUJI is a Japanese retail company which sells a range of products.

Audience: B2C

Industry: FMCG

Type: Superhero

Campaign Title: #MUJIPenArt

What It Is

There are a growing number of companies that cash in on the popularity of social media contests. But how many of them can say they've developed a following that stretches over five years later as a result? With the #MUJIPenArt contest, Japanese retailer MUJI can.


The company, which sells stationary and pens, ran the contest back in 2016 with a simple request: show us your best artwork using MUJI supplies. The response was staggering and participation spread like wildfire. After the contest ended and winners were crowned, artists continued to use the hashtag #MUJIPenArt to show off their work. It extends the brand's awareness far after the campaign ended. 

Why We Like It

Talk about a winning idea. Contests are the bread and butter of many social media marketing strategies, but they often end with short-term gains. MUJI shows that by building a community along with the contest, you can generate what's effectively earned media on social media for years to come.

How We’d Add To It

There's only one thing left to do here: continue what you started. MUJI hasn't really broached the topic in recent years despite its popularity that's still going to this day. We suggest poking at the embers and seeing if the blaze starts back up again - all the evidence says it'll catch on pretty quickly.