Content nuggets deliver gold for new Credit Union bank card

sign ups

weekly transactions

6 additional
Credit Unions signed up


Services provided
Competitor analysis, Strategy, Content operations.

The challenge
As CUSOP planned the launch of their MyCU card, they engaged 256 to lead a content-first approach that generates new sign-ups in a market where less than 1% move banks every year.

What we did
The strategy was to prove consumer love and generate unique shareable and snackable 'content nuggets’ through a national research survey, which gave us both nationwide and regional data, using the 256 COPE on a ROPE methodology. Create once and publish everywhere on rented, owned paid and earned media. 

The results would fuel a content-centric campaign across OOH, video, radio, programmatic, print, PR, organic and paid social media for a pilot group of 16 credit unions. 

The initial aim of securing 2,000 debit card sign ups, a stretch goal - was blown out of the water early on. As the campaign ended, MyCU acquired 4,000 new debit card customers – double the target and quite a feat in a country where people rarely change banks. Not only was it a statistical victory, but a cultural one too. 

The entire launch was driven by content, demonstrating that a content agency CAN be the lead agency, and when they are, the ROI can outperform a more traditional ad agency ‘broadcast’ approach.

How can we help you get great content results?

If you’ve made it this far, thank you. You may be exploring an investment in content marketing and are unsure about ROI or attribution. You may have a content programme that is underperforming or a chaotic multi-channel content ecosystem that needs an overhaul.

Our expert team of global award winning strategists, editors, data analysts and creatives can answer your questions.

If that sounds good to you and you’d like to have a chat, just fill in the form or give us a call!

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