How we turned bananas into a superfood for Fyffes

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Services provided

Strategy, Content operations, Content managed service

The challenge

What makes a superfood? When we think of this word there are many different fruits and vegetables that spring to mind. But why was the humble banana not included as a rightful member of this prestigious category?

What we did

256 developed a new campaign to position Fyffes bananas as a superfood, building on The Power of the Blue Label creative platform.

Our research showed that Fyffes bananas met the two main attributes of the superfood classification. It is high in vitamins and minerals and provides long and short term health benefits. However, it had not been marketing as a superfood before in Ireland, or indeed globally.

The consumer campaign: “It takes a superfood to give you superpower” placed Fyffes bananas as a superfood in everyday scenarios, targeted to relatable times of the day.

Examples included:

3 PM Slump? Get The Power Of The Blue Label

Hitting The Gym? Get The Power Of The Blue Label

Creative assets were repurposed and customised for digital OOH, in key retail locations, online display ads and various social channels and formats such as Facebook Feeds and Instagram Stories.

The campaign was scalable and extendable with smart copy and creative direction to maximise impact. The final result of the two week campaign was not just impressive, it was super!

How it looks