Learn faster than your competition
256 benchmarks your industry, identifying potential gaps and opportunities, keeping you informed so your budgets and outcomes are maximised every time.
You've got to keep reinventing
Data backed landscape analysis rates your competitors on social, digital, site performance, and SEO. Discover how much they are spending and where you can surge ahead.

How can content analysis deliver your business goals?

Improve your marketing
256's strategy and data teams, diagnose the competitive landscape to inform your strategy, aligning resources and assets to fine tune your digital marketing performance.
Differentiate your brand
Understand your competitors to hone your point of difference. Speak to your customers' pain points, stand out in crowded industries and connect every time.
Dive into your competitor's strategy and approach to highlight gaps in your own content and create cohesive visitor experiences that create leads.
Deeply understand your performance and identify what changes result in the biggest returns against your competitors.
What is competitor analysis in marketing?
Competitor analysis in marketing is when you identify competing businesses in your industry and you benchmark their performance against yours. It helps you see how you measure up against others and can identify potential opportunities.
What is competitor backlink analysis?
Competitor backlink analysis is the process of seeing what sites link back to your competitors. This lets you create a list of potential publications to target that are actively interested in your industry and allows you to improve your search rankings.
How to do competitor analysis on social media?
Using dedicated social media analytical tool, we're able to see the performance of your competitor's social media posts. See what type of content their followers engage with the most, find out the best times to post and understand their strategy.
Why is competitor analysis important?
Competitor analysis gives you a better understanding of your industry's landscape. It shows what is working in your niche and what isn't. It allows you to learn from your competitor's mistakes, without making them yourself.
How to do SEO competitor analysis?
Using Sightseeer™ and keyword research software to analyse the ranking and performance of your competitor's website allows you to see what topics your potential customers are interested in and engaging with.
What's everyone saying about 256?
Claire Cadogan
Head of Digital at Fáilte Ireland
“The vision, strategy and roadmap has delivered a critical tool to help drive the recovery of the tourism industry in Ireland.”
Caitríona Kelly Hanlon
Senior Marketing Specialist at Irish Life
“256 bring seemingly insatiable energy and world class expertise to everything they do with us.”
Eleanor McCormack
“256 not only delivered 25% ahead of target for the first year, but it has also totally revolutionized how we attract and convert students.”
Veronika Slogar
Marketing Manager at Vizor Software
“We now have improved internal communication between Sales and Marketing teams and our prospects move faster through the pipeline.”